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GHS/WHMIS 2015 Program
In pursuit of our high-safety standards, and in compliance with Federal and Provincial compliance regulations, New Way Building Services Inc. has developed GHS/WHMIS 2015 Program. WHMIS 2015 is an update of the previous chemical hazard system, WHMIS 1988, and incorporates elements of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The following code of practice and program will be implemented and followed at each worksite.
The elements of New Way Building Services Inc.’s WHMIS program are:
- Purchasing and Inventory
- Storage & Containment
- Safe Chemical Handling
- Hazard Identification
- Inspections
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Worker Education and Training
- Review and Evaluation
- Document and Record Keeping
A. Purchasing and Inventory
New Way Building Services Inc. and its management have the responsibility to know, at all times, what hazardous products are in the workplace and in what amount. A good chemical or product inventory system and corresponding procurement procedures are essential. It is the responsibility of management or the individual in charge of procurement in the workplace to maintain the inventory. The inventory checklist must be completed at least once per week or more often when necessary. (See inventory checklist)
The purpose of product inventory is to help:
- Make the workplace safer by knowing exactly what products are present, in what quantities, and where the products are stored
- Maintain an up-to-date list of all products
- Identify (and remove) any excess, unused, or unnecessary products
- Implement proper storage and handling techniques, including any specific requirements
- Isolate and store the most hazardous products securely
- Comply with regulatory requirements
New Chemical Products Purchased & Introduced to the Workplace:
All new chemical products must be accompanied by an SDS. A copy of the SDS must be forwarded to New Way Building Services Inc. head office located at 46-3045 Southcreek Rd. Mississauga Ontario, L4X 2E9 for review, approval, and document retention. The person introducing the new chemical product to the workplace has the responsibility to make ensure the supplier has provided the correct and most current labels and SDSs for hazardous products. The product will be reviewed for compliance to ensure proper SDS requirements are met for labeling, handling and storage.
Receiving Chemical Products:
Receivers must ensure that suppliers have affixed the appropriate labels to the containers received as required for GHS/WHMIS 2015 compliance. If no supplier label is provided, a label containing the following information must be created (Workplace Label) and affixed to the product container prior to use:
- Product identifier that is identical to that found on the SDS for the product
- Safe handling precautions, storage and use of the product, may include the use of pictograms,
- Reference to the SDS for the product
B. Storage & Containment
Chemical product labels and SDS shall be read for specific storage instructions. All chemicals with the potential to cause an environmental adverse effect must be stored in containers that prevent leaks and spills and are labelled appropriately.
Storage areas must meet the following criteria:
- Clearly identified as a storage area
- Secure from entry by unauthorized people
- Prevent chemicals from spills down sinks, from drains and drainage courses, floor or storm drains
- Confine chemical storage areas so that leaks or spills are controlled
- Equipped with spill kits (when and where possible) to handle emergencies
- Are free of evidence of leaks, corrosion or other damage.
- Are in fire/explosion proof cabinets, when necessary
- Keep storage areas well lit, appropriately ventilated, and at a consistent, cool temperature
- Clean up spills and drips immediately. Locate the source of the spill or drip to control it appropriately
Storage containers must meet the following criteria:
- Containers are situated to prevent accidental release
- Compatible with the material being stored, to prevent corrosion or other chemical reactions
- Keep containers closed with the lids of chemicals sealed tight
- In good condition with no leaks
- Protected from the elements
- Clearly labeled identifying the chemical
- Incompatible chemicals are stored so there is no interaction, even in the case of release
C. Safe Chemical Handling
When handling chemicals in the workplace, the following procedures apply:
- Follow all established procedures and perform job duties as you’ve been trained.
- Be cautious and plan ahead. Think about what could go wrong and pay close attention to what you’re doing while you work.
- Always use required PPE—and inspect it carefully before each use to make sure it’s safe to use. Replace worn out or damage PPE; it won’t provide adequate protection.
- Make sure all containers are properly labeled and that the material is contained in an appropriate container. Don’t use any material not contained or labeled properly. Report any damaged containers or illegible labels to your supervisor right away.
- Read labels and the safety data sheet (SDS) before using any material to make sure you understand hazards and precautions.
- Use all materials solely for their intended purpose. Don’t, for example, use solvents to clean your hands.
- Never eat or drink while handling any materials and if your hands are contaminated, don’t use cosmetics, handle contact lenses, and or smoke.
- Read the labels and refer to SDSs to identify properties and hazards of chemical products and materials.
- Keep you and your work area clean. After handling any material, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Clean work surfaces at least once a shift so that contamination risks are minimized.
- Learn about emergency procedures and equipment. Understanding emergency procedures means knowing evacuation procedures, emergency reporting procedures, and procedures for dealing with fires and spills. It also means knowing what to do in a medical emergency if a co-worker is injured or overcome by chemicals.
- First Aid equipment must be available.
D. Hazard Identification
When a product is brought into the workplace, it is essential to know the hazards of the product. A summary of the hazards is found on the product’s SDS. Review the SDS to make sure the information is complete and accurate. Knowing the hazards will help you make informed decisions about use, storage, disposal, education, training, and emergency response. Always read and follow the label, use appropriate PPE when and where required.
E. Inspections
In addition to monthly document inspections (as per health & safety inspections policy and procedures) New Way Building Services Inc. will ensure all hazardous products are adequately labelled, and that SDSs are readily available. Specific WHMIS inspections will also be conducted at least monthly (or more often when necessary) which Include the following requirements (See inspection checklist):
- Are the containers in good condition?
- Are all labels in good condition?
- Are any hazardous products present without a label?
- Do workers know to read the label before using a hazardous product?
- Do workers know that they must not use a hazardous product which is not labelled?
- Are all decanted products, which are not used immediately by the person who decanted them, labelled with a workplace label?
- Are SDSs available and in an accessible location for all workers?
- Does the information match between the SDS and label for the same product?
F. Roles & Responsibilities under WHMIS
The roles and responsibilities are the same in both WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015, which include:
Suppliers / Manufacturers:
- Identify and classify hazardous products
- Prepare supplier labels and SDSs
- Revise/update SDSs and labels, as required
Employers / Management:
- Create/apply workplace labels to ensure all hazardous products are labelled
- Obtain current SDSs Provide worker education and training and review the program annually
- Ensure appropriate control measures are in place to protect workers’ health and safety
- Establish a WHMIS Program
- Use or wear the personal protective equipment and personal protective clothing as required by the employer
- Participate in the identification and control of hazards
- Participate in training
- Understand and use information provided in training, on product labels, and on product SDS
G. Worker Education and Training Procedure
New Way Building Services Inc. is committed to ensuring that any worker(s) who works with or who may be exposed in the course of his or her work to a hazardous product received from a supplier is informed about all hazard information received from the supplier concerning the hazardous product and all further hazard information of which is or ought to be aware concerning its use, storage and handling.
New Way Building Services Inc. is committed to providing training and education to every employee who works with or who may be exposed in the course of his or her work to a hazardous product, will be instructed in the Company’s GHS/WHMIS 2015 Education & Training, which will also cover WHMIS 1988 until the completion of the GHS transition (December 1st, 2018).
The contents of the GHS/WHMIS 2015 Education & Training will include:
- the contents required on a supplier label and workplace label, and the purpose and significance of the information contained on the labels;
- the contents required on a safety data sheet and the purpose and significance of the information contained on a safety data sheet;
- Hazard symbols and pictograms;
- Hazard groups;
- Hazard classes;
- Hazard categories;
- Hazard statements;
- Signal words;
- procedures to be followed when fugitive emissions are present;
- procedures to be followed in case of an emergency involving a hazardous product; and
- procedures for:
- The safe use, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous materials in the workplace;
- Handling leaks and spills; and
- An emergency event involving hazardous products.
- Site- and job-specific information that will cover procedures for storage, handling, use, disposal, emergencies, spills, and what to do in unusual situations.
Workers should be able to answer these questions after the completion of the GHS/WHMIS 2015 education and training for every hazardous product they work with:
- What are the hazards of the product?
- How do I protect myself from those hazards?
- What do I do in case of an emergency?
- Where can I get further information?
H. Review and Evaluation
New Way Building Services Inc. will review The GHS/WHMIS 2015 program (including all GHS/WHMIS 2015 training and education programs and content) at least annually or more often if there are changes in the working conditions, and revise where necessary. In the event of any changes, staff will be trained and educated regarding the change(s).
This review would also determine if the current WHMIS education and training is covering all hazardous products that workers may be exposed to, and whether the workers are adequately informed and instructed about these hazards. New Way Building Services Inc. shall conduct refresher education and training when:
- Needed to protect workers’ health and safety
- Conditions of the workplace have changed
- New hazardous products are introduced in workplace
- Existing hazardous products have changed and now have different hazards
- New hazard information becomes available
- There is new information about safe use, handling, storage, disposal, or emergency response
New Way Building Services Inc. will at least annually evaluate workers’ knowledge using written tests, practical demonstrations, and other suitable means.
I. Document and Record Keeping
New Way Building Services Inc. shall retain documents and records necessary to show due diligence and compliance. The duration of document and record retention will depend upon the type and importance of the document or record being retained. As a minimum, documents and records will be kept for 2 years.
Documents are a medium that contains information. Examples of documents may include the actual education and training material, inventory lists, SDS, label, or the inspection checklist forms. Documents should be dated, and indicate when there is a revision.
Records are documents that state the result achieved or provide evidence of activities performed. Examples of records include inspection results, steps taken to control hazards, attendance at sessions, courses completed, survey results, or annual reviews.